Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Right after we came in from handing out candy

 This was the first year Tytus actually did some trick-or-treating, so now he knows the goodness of candy! We met up with our small group from church in our friends' neighborhood last weekend . The kids played on the playground, ate dinner, and then we had a parade down a few streets where people were sitting out with candy. It was still really light outside and there weren't people everywhere, so it was the perfect introduction to what it's like to go trick-or-treating. It was a lot of fun for Tytus to see his friends all dressed up and, of course, to get lots of candy in his red fire hat! Witten enjoyed the adventure, too, and looked so cute as our little duck.

Here are our two boys as ducks. Can you guess which is which?

On Tuesday I helped out with the carnival at Tytus' school and both boys spent the day in their own classes. This was the first time I've left Witten for that amount of time (8:45-2:00) in an unfamiliar place and he did awesome! Every time I saw him he was happy and just doing his thing. He's such a fun little guy! Tytus knew I'd be there and thought it was so much fun to have me around for a little while. I got to see some of his friends he's been telling me about. I can tell he's really enjoying being in school, and we're so thankful for his teachers and how the school loves all the kids so well.
Tytus playing basketball right next to the game I was helping with that morning.

So so happy to see mommy at his school!
Handing out candy in our neighborhood on Halloween is always fun. We've met new neighbors each year and usually have a few with young kids stop by to play for a minute with our boys.
Helping hand out candy this year!

Making friends with some new neighbors

And here's a peek into Halloween evening after we've handed out all the candy. Tytus is such the entertainer. I'm really thinking of making a flip book of all these pictures....he was cracking us (and himself) up. Witten's taking notes.

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