Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween! (from our little duck)

Our little duck had such a fun Halloween! In several of the pictures you might see him sucking/chewing his fingers because he has about 5 teeth that are right about to make their first appearance. It's been kind of a rough last couple of days due to a painful mouth, but with all of the fun costumes and new people to meet Tytus was sufficiently distracted.

Our two first trick-or-treaters came and Mia got out. Oops!

On the lookout for trick-or-treaters.

Our neighborhood was having a National Night Out event in the field behind our house, so our plan was to go eat outside while they showed ET. Then we'd come back here to hand out candy and play in the driveway. They didn't end up setting up the event until about an hour later than we expected so we improvised by playing outside, eating here, and then handing out candy. We all had a lot of fun, got to talk to a bunch of our neighbors, and Tytus got lots of compliments and some friends to play with on his little blanket. All in all it was a fun night!

Playing with Mommy and ready to go climb on all the chairs outside.

Little duck on the move!

Happy to be with Daddy, but teeth are still hurting.... :(

Handing out candy to all the trick-or-treaters

Almost out of candy and ready to clean up

Happy Halloween!