Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Favorite Fall/Winter Memories

Tons of leaves!

We love that there are tons of leaves in our neighborhood now! It means more raking for us, but it's totally worth it. We've raked our own piles to jump in, helped neighbors rake their leaves, jumped, thrown, and messed up our neighbors' piles of leaves (with their permission of course!), crunched in them on our walks, and just talked about seasons and how things change as we watch our trees become bare. It's made for easy excitement on a slow afternoon, that's for sure!

our street was covered in them
It's hard to tell in this picture, but Tytus made his own fishing pole
with a string and stick. We walked down to the creek catching "fish" (aka leaves
that would attach to the string) along the way and then put them in the water.

It's also been fun getting to know our neighbors and the boys getting to play with some new friends. Sometimes its just impromptu get-togethers that are the best!
the "big boys"

endless fun in the sandbox
fun friends eating out one night
Roasting marshmallows has got to be at the top of the list as well! Since this is our first time having a fireplace we took full advantage of using it....especially for sweet treats! I did make the mistake of introducing marshmallow roasting the very first time we turned on our fireplace. Oops! It was the day before my birthday and the first really cold day, so I asked Ian if we could show the boys how it turns on and get out the marshmallows. They loved it! But then every time a fire was mentioned, Witten would run to the pantry excitedly yelling marshmallows!

Most of all, I'd have to say that the "normal" everyday activities that we did made our new house feel more and more like home! We took the fall pretty slow and left room for little make-it-up-as-you-go projects, learning to play together and work through arguments, taking long walks just because there's time to, making meals together, and exploring our new area while meeting new friends along the way. It was a great end to a year filled with change.
"working" on some coloring while mommy gets to read and relax for a minute
 playing together in their room
pizza and a movie night!
We're so thankful we get to do all of it together 

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