Singing happy birthday with one of his favorite lunches |
On Tytus' birthday we woke up and made a breakfast that he chose as his favorite.....all different kinds of toast. Toast with peanut butter, some with jelly, some with cinnamon, and some with just butter. He loved it! And it was perfect for putting candles in to sing happy birthday! Then we got to open a birthday present with daddy before he headed off to work. Tytus requested a ninja turtle birthday party this year, so we got him a shirt that would be fun to wear at his party. He thought it was really fun and put it on right away.
Opening some presents |
Once daddy left for work, we had a fun day hanging out at home together. We made a yummy lunch together....one of his favorites. Recently when I've made a meal that he really likes he's been telling me how yummy it is and asking to make it again. It's definitely keeping me motivated to continue cooking fun homemade things as I'm getting more and more tired reaching the end of this pregnancy. For lunch we made chicken strips, potatoes, and peas. They licked their plates clean! Later that evening we went to Mt. Playmore as a whole family. They have a huge climbing area, food, arcade games, and a place for little ones to play as well. The boys had a blast racing around the climbing area with Ian. It was a great end to our day!
Eating cookie cake at home |
This year Tytus got to celebrate his birthday at his school, too! We made a cookie cake to share with his class and he got to wear his birthday crown all day (and even through the weekend until it was his actual birthday!). And the week after his birthday day we planned a birthday party at our house for all his friends and family to come hang out and celebrate. Tytus
loves to throw birthday parties (especially at our house)! He usually starts naming who he'll invite and what we'll do weeks before his birthday. It's really fun to go to the store and let him pick out invitations, plates, and talk about what he'd like to do at his party. He's definitely our little social guy! I think the prep beforehand is just as fun for him as the party itself. Each year I suggest doing a smaller party or maybe having it somewhere other than our house, but a true party to him is one where we invite everyone to our home to celebrate. So, I guess we'll stick to that for now. :)